It doesn’t require you to be a tech geek to know that someone might have ‘Hacked or Gained Access’ to your account(s). You’ll get a notification instantly if your account gets unauthorized login from other sources, the earlier you take action, the better. Don’t allow the hacker to do more damage to your account and the accounts connected to that one by delaying the deactivation process from your end. Here are some steps you should take promptly to avoid further damage to your account.   Check for strange Activity You’ll get instant notification upon unauthorized login from alien sources to your account. That is the first alert you will ever get for hack threat. There are many Apps and platform which can help you in providing the information about recent account activity, which is an excellent way to know whether anyone is accessing your account. Gmail account will also be helpful. You can scroll down to the bottom of your inbox, and then click ‘Details’ on the right. A new tab will show you the latest login details of most recent 10 logins into your Gmail account.   Facebook Security feature Good news is that Facebook has a similar feature. Go to the ‘Security Page’ in the site’s settings on the web then click on the See More button. It will show you list of login locations. It will also show you the date and time of the login. Twitter has also the same feature and do the as mentioned above.   Deactivate your Accounts You need to abrupt action to unauthorized login attempt notification when you receive. Changing your password should be your first action after this threat and should be performed quickly as possible. Make long password including alphabets, numbers and symbols. If you can’t log into your account even after so many attempts, it’s likely because the hacker hacked or locked out all the account and changed the digital clock. Don’t need to get panic; you can always reach out to your social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, twitter) support team.