The sensors on the Apple Watch monitor the user’s heart rate and body movement while sleeping, and this data is sent to the server, where it is compared to a baseline sleep profile for the user based on algorithms.

Apple Watch App that ends nightmares is on its Way

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced on Friday that the Application has been approved and will help people have nightmares. If an Apple watch application named Night ware decides that the user is having a nightmare, it uses the Apple Watch to send out vibrations to disrupt the nightmare that is teasing the user. Nightware should be used under your doctor’s supervision because it is not a single treatment for PTSD caused nightmares. Moreover, the FDA said: “This device was studied in a 30-day randomized, sham-controlled trial of 70 patients. A sham therapy is an inactive treatment or procedure intended to mimic as closely as possible a therapy in a clinical trial. Patients in the sham group wore the device, but no vibratory stimulation was provided. Safety was assessed using validated measurements of suicidality and sleepiness, and there were no changes in either throughout the study in either group. Sleep was assessed with two versions of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scale, the self-rated questionnaire for assessing sleep quality, including a version of that scale intended for patients with PTSD. Both the sham and active groups showed improvement on the sleep scales, with the active group showing greater improvement than the sham. The evidence demonstrated the possible benefits outweighed the probable risks.” Furthermore, this Application is not for everyone; a prescription is needed to use the Application. People who perform acts of violence or sleepwalks because of nightmares should not use this Application. All the users are suggested to call their doctor if the nightmares continue or if the watch’s vibrations lead to awakenings. This Application should not be used while watching T.V. or reading in bed, leading to false alerts. Moreover, the watch shouldn’t be worn so tightly. If you notice any skin problem, then you should immediately stop using it. Also Read: Spotify Tests Apple Watch streaming without any iPhone